Surviving Extinction

Surviving in a world without bees

My work often reflects elements of what worries me in our world today. With Surviving Extinction I want to draw attention to the ever-shrinking bee population.

Bees are the primary initiators of reproduction among plants. Since 2006, the population of bees has declined considerably. Pesticides, disease, parasites, and poor weather due to global warming have played a major role in this worrying decline.

The tragic irony of this is that by killing bees, we’re only hurting ourselves. Our survival depends on the health of the planet and its species. Unless we begin to face this fact, we will continue to contribute to our own demise.

Surviving Extincion

The experiment

To find out whether we really cannot grow vegetables without the help of bees, an experiment was carried out for this project. Here you get, as it were, a look behind the scenes of this quest. A quest for a solution for surviving the sixth mass extinction.


The Expo

This work, Suriving Extinction, is part of a group exhibition “Complex Nature” at Z33 in Hasselt (BE). Eleven students from Luca School of Arts CMine exhibit work on the theme of the complexity between humans, nature and technology.

Surviving Extinction, The Expo

The Presentation

For the presentation my project, I used wooden trestles to create a table for the vegetable experiment. I used similar wood to have a frame made for the main photo of the project. The other photos were printed on roll proofing paper. This paper folds more easily than photo paper. These prints were draped over the two trestles that were previously used for the experiment.

A Walkthrough